Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Being a Health Professional for Global Environment

The modern professional world has changed the recent years forcing many professions to embrace the notion of a global environment. The International Council of Nurses exists to ensure global uniformity in standards applied by all nurses. Nurses can find themselves working in any environment. Such changes in the system call for embracing global issues in nursing through preparing nurses who can work in a global context. This essay discusses the health professional in a global environment and literacies that inform working in such an environment. Working in a global environment calls for global nurses who are culturally sensitive, collaborative and understand the conditions that affect patients around the globe. (Thomas & Galla, 2012, p. 5). Nurses understand that the global health environment is diverse and presents different opportunities and challenges that they have to deal with. These practitioners work in different settings like government agencies, hospitals, educational and research institutions or even non-profit organizations. Mary is a 78-year-old widow indigenous Australian from Old Town Road 8035, she is a retired school support officer who is respected in her munity as a leading elder (City of Horizon 2018, p.4). Having worked in a school she, speaks good English, which makes it easy to municate with her. Before admission she had lately been experiencing health problems over recent months like increased lethargy, dizziness, and increased headache. She has a history of chronic otitis media, tonsillectomy, and measles in childhood (City of Horizon 2018, p.5). She also suffers from a poorly managed osteoporosis, hypercoletroemia and cardiovascular disease. She has been admitted in the hospital and diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type 2, she is also suffering from ischemic stroke and penicillin allergy. Due to her condition, Mary has been admitted for therapeutic care until her condition stabilizes. The role of healthcare practitioners is to develop care strategies that will assist the patient condition t o improve. This means that developing a therapeutic relationship with the patient is important in healing process. Further, good munication skills are relevant in ensuring the success of all therapeutic processes that are put in place for healing.   Kornhaber, Walsh & Duff (2016) suggest that therapeutic relationships are defined from the perspective of the patient whee the patients see them as e passing caring and supportive behaviours that create a safe environment for the practitioner and the patient to engage in the healing process. Global health practitioners work with a range of patients who require different relationships to cement the healing process. For example, demographic factors like locality, age, race and social factors like gender shape the strategies that the practitioner applies. The quality of therapeutic care is measure Through the relationship that the practitioner developes with the patient. This forms the alpha and the omega of any form of therapy (Watson 2005, p. 11). This relationship is based on both emotional and informational ponents; since nurses are not trained as counsellors, they have basic counselling skills that can be applied to establish proactive relationships with the patient. Therapeutic relationships are termed as a working alliance between the patient and the practitioner. in the relationship nurse acts as the facilitator for change and the patient acts as the material for change.   Through forming such alliances, the nurse can understand the inner anxieties and disturbances that patients face which may hinder the overall healing process of the patient.   According to Jung, the therapist needs to see the client as an equal, thus there is need to abandon the preconceived opinions that exist in healthcare setting and approach each situation independently (Wilde McCormick & Wellings, 2000, p. 16). The relationship allows the nurse to creates a fortable and non-judgemental environment Through demonstrated congruence and unconditional positive regard towards patients thus improving the healing process. In this scenario patients like Mary will feel that the nurse is on their side Through showing respect for her inner and outer life. Further, Through proper munication skills the nurse can develop trust and build rapport with the patient which allows them to open up on issues affecting them. In the therapeutic process, the nurse and the patient municate where the patient is supposed to report progress and any changes in the body system or new symptoms that are felt. Once the nurse has established such relationships, it b es easy for the patient to open up making it easy for the practitioner to track the changes in medication of the patient (Kilduff, 2010, p. 241). This process therefore, decreases anxiety and enhance patient pliance with the therapeutic process which in turn leads to improved healthcare ou es. The nurse can easily achieve clinical goals like awareness of the problem since the patient easily opens up allowing the practitioner to identify most concerns needed by the patient. Since background history is an important element in the clinical process, some patients can exhibit barriers if they are not f ortable with the practitioner around them (Castledine, 2013, p. 15). Through munication, the nurse creates an environment that allows the patient to open up and allow collection of relevant information that guides the progress of therapeutic processes. Lastly, therapeutic relationships are not only designed for increased patient ou e but for rather professional satisfaction that results from satisfied patients. Every professional seeks for success in their field by ensuring that they have greater scores of satisfaction (Kelley, et al. 2014, p. 23). Such relationships can assist in appraisal of the nurse since they increase patient satisfaction and reduce plaints. There have been situations where patients have strongly bonded with some nurses to the extend that they asked to be served by a specific individual since they believe such an individual understands and meets their needs more. Patient backgrounds vary and some e from the introvert background   where information is disclosed to select people only (Kleinman 2013, p. 137). Therefore, the relationship boosts the professional profile of the nurse by creating personal career satisfaction. Good interpersonal and munication skills are critical in the survival of a global health practitioner. munication is an important element of healthcare that connects practitioners with their clients. It serves many purposes within the organization like assisting patients to make choices that affect the ou e of their health. Global practitioners have to municate professionally to connect with their fellow practitioners and people who need assistance (Sugg, 2016, p. 4).   The profession calls for specific behaviour expectations that increase the expected ou e from the patient. Lee & Doran (2017, p. 77) suggests that medical errors can be reduced to increase health ou es if practitioners can establish good interpersonal and munications skills. Since human factors play a role in satisfaction levels of patients, then professionals have to perfect in this area to boost their petencies. Bingham, et al. (2011, p. 251) add that good interpersonal skills assist in elimination of social and c ultural barriers that inhibit access to health. Such skills can assist the practitioner to integrate with these munities and establish rapport to be used in improving healthcare ou es. Further, the skills can assist in ensuring that people open up as they engage with the practitioner. In therapeutic care, munication is done between the nurse and the patient in away that creates a conducive atmosphere for dialogue, openness, curiosity and sharing. One strategy that will be applied to the case of Mary is the use of reflection   Through repeating her verbal and non-verbal messages to show her that you understand her feelings. Being old and from a hard disadvantaged background, Mary requires content validation from the nurse to show that her message has been heard.   This process creates a cognitive focus between the patient and the practitioner and works well in the process of beginning to know each other(Kim & Kate 2008, P. 221). This may work better in the initial information gathering process. The role of reflection in munication is to create feelings of empathy, interest and respect for patients. On the other hand, patients reciprocated Through inmproved munication and increased level of trust that is seen in high level of involvement in the therapeutic proce ss. Exploring munication strategy can also be applied in the therapeutic process when gathering personal information. Since information is the basis of clinical decision making, the nurse has to ensure that Mary opens up as much as possible. Diedrick, et al. (2011, p. 461) suggests that this technique encourages the patient to provide more information since they feel that the professional is following what they are saying. For example, the nurse will use phrases like â€Å"tell me more about what happened before†. This strategy can be helpful in tracing personal life issues that contribute to the health challenges that Mary is undergoing. The practitioner needs to place events in time or sequence to gather the right information. From the background of the patient, the sequence of events is important in tracing the health challenges Mary is facing (Kourkouta & Papathanasiou 2014, p. 65). She has had a   background and has been diagnosed with diabetes which requires her conditioned to be traced back using time sequence of events. This process will inform, decisions on the allergies that she faces during therapy. Clarifying can also be used in munication with Mary Through attempting to understand the basic nature of the statements said by the patient. When Mary responds to certain questions the practitioner is supposed to seek clarification rather than conclude their clinical experience (Kourkouta & Papathanasiou 2014, p. 66). Being an indigenous patient, she presents unique situations that require   analysis and clarification of every statement she makes. Clarification can be done Through paraphrasing where the nurse rephrases Mary’s ment or answer in a manner that is similar to what they understood. This process allows the client to confirm if indeed the statement is true. Further, providing leads to the patient can be used to encourage further discussion of the the feelings of the patient.   It also works well in the process of beginning a new discussion since it opens up   the discussion allowing the patient to talk more (Laskowski-Jones 2014, p. 5). Leading allows Mary to follow the discussion and play along as the discussion b es personal. This method works well when the practitioner wants to move from a genearl to a personal level. As the patient follows the discussion, she gets engaged and eventually opens up without leads. Once the nurse has established trust with Mary, the confronting skill can be applied to get information that has been   to get Through other munication strategies (Boykins 2014, p. 47).   Since the therapeutic process has not began, Mary can present challenges like arguing and challenging assumption drawn by the nurse based on the fact that she has an attitude for nurses. In such case, the nurse will be forced to confront her to get relevant information for the therapeutic process. Lastly offering hope and humour is one of the strategies that the nurse must use (Kourkouta & Papathanasiou 2014, p. 65). From the background of Mary, she seems to easily give medical attention because of her childhood history. The practitioner has to give hope and encourager her to persevere Through the current situation   and lighten her mood with humour that can enable establishing of rapport. Global health professionals operate in an ever-changing environment that requires the ability of the practitioner to work in a context characterized with different settings. Such situations require adequate skills and petencies that the practitioner needs to have to understand the environment that they are working in. The skills are useful in enabling the individual to operate better and survives the tides a panied with the job. Global health is a new storm that is taking the healthcare sector by storm where most institutions are revising their training programs to a modate these changes. Therefore, practitioners need to be prepared with the relevant skills that enable them to work in the environment. Bingham, A. et al., 2011. The Role of Interpersonal munication in Preventing Unsafe Abortion in munities: The Dialogues for Life Project in Nepal. Journal of Health munication, 16(3), pp. 245-263. Boykins, A., 2014. Core munication petencies in patient- centered care.. ABNF Journal, 25(2), pp. 40-45. Castledine, G., 2013. The importance of the nurse-patient relationship. British Journal of Nursing, 13(4), pp. 11-25. City of Horizon 2018. City of Horizon 2018 ver.1.1, puter Program, city of Horizon, Novus Res, Adelaide.. [Online]. Diedrick, L., Schaffer, M. & Sandau, K., 2011. A practical munication strategy to improve implementation of evidence-based practice.. 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